Below is information regarding the types of permits typically required for work done in or near water (e.g. docks, buoys, bulkheads, dredging,
culverts, etc.) For questions on a specific permit or process, contact the appropriate agencies listed below:

Shoreline permit(s) (Conditional Use, Exemption, Substantial Development, or Variance) contact the appropriate City or County planning, building, or community development department, for more information.
Aquatic Use Authorization from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). For questions contact DNR headquarters at 360-902-1100 or the Aquatics Land Manager, assigned to your county, region or project.
Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). For questions or information about HPA permits contact WDFW at 360-902-2534 or the Habitat Biologist Habitat Biologist assigned to your county, region or project.
Private Aids to Navigation from the US Coast Guard, PATON Manager, at 206-220-7285.
Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the Department of Ecology, Federal Permit Unit at 360-407-6076.
Work in Navigable Waters (Section 10) or Discharge of Dredge or Fill Material into Water (Section 404) contact the US Army Corp of Engineers, at 206-764-3495 or the Project Manager assigned to your county, region or project.
You can apply for many of these permits with the Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application (JARPA) located at: